Tuesday, October 6, 2009

No Pictures Take Three

Turns out:
1. Amelia slept like a six day old last night. Up all night. Ugh. I was super frustrated.
2. I let her drink her bottle in the car. She was so good and happy. Once we arrived at our destination I found out the happiness came from pouring most of the milk in her lap. Mom's fault for sure.
3. We went to Barnes and Noble for storytime and she listened to a Halloween book and made her first arts and craft project-- a bat with her handprints. So cute that I almost cried and forgot about the extreme frustration from #1.

Two Sundays ago, we had a truly inspirational and captivating speaker that spoke at church. This was an event for just the women of our church, but the message is for everyone. I just wanted to share some notes that I took and a little bit of what she had to say because I truly need to pray over this daily.

Ephesians 3:20-21 "God can do anything, you know---far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh yes!"
- The Message

We all dwell in possibility and possibility dwells in us. This was the key point that she focused on and at first, I thought, "Yeah, yeah, we all know that with Christ we have great possibility, but I need something more. Something that makes me LIVE it."

And then
she said.."NOW is the time to start thinking about the GREATNESS of God. Right now."

Do not wait until a new season of your life for all his abundance to begin its work in you. Do not wait until you have a baby or until you find that spouse. Do not wait until your kids are in college or your baby sleeps in her own bed. Do not wait until you are at your dream job and do not wait unti you have more money. DO NOT WAIT to begin living that life in which God can do more than you ever dreamt of asking.

Stop worshipping your problems. He is ABLE to do anything, so talk to him about whatever is ailing you--big or small.

This was big for me to hear, "It is God's business to decide whether he will do anything about your problem or not. But he is able and it is our job to believe that he can."

I need to say this to myself daily. God gets to decide what he will do, but we must believe that he CAN or what is the point in our relationship? I always want him to..well...do exactly what I want where a situation is concerned and then I feel good about our relationship. Thankfully he loves me even with my skewed view on how things should work. Plus, he knows that I have no say in things, so I am sure that makes it a little easier :)

Wow number two. "Power is not what God has, power is who God is." He does not lose any tiny bit of power when he does something wonderful. No power is depleted becaues Power is who he is.

So, my encouragement for the day--to you and myself-- is to decide what it is that you want to ask him for and know that he is beyond capable of blowing your mind. Be bold. Ask for it. Then, wait with faith knowing that his decision is not based on whether or not he is able, but on his complex and perfect will.


  1. Heather, Thank you so much for your encouragement today. It meant so much to me to talk to you this a.m. I love ya lots!!


  2. I will use some of this in my Bible Study "Women in the Bible". They all learned this long ago,now we have to learn it and live it. Never hurts to hear it over and over. Thanks Heather.
