Friday, October 30, 2009

Baby Love

Amelia loves other kids. To the point of smothering them. I didn't get many pictures of Amelia and Emerson actually together because we tried to keep the apart. Amelia wanted to tackle her. In the most friendly way of course. Such as, give me that ball. Ha.

Isn't Emerson so pretty? She stayed pretty close to her Grandma for a while.

Her favorite toy of Amelia's was this ball, which is hilarious because it belongs to Owen. We borrowed it forever ago. Don't worry Amy, we will give it back! Promise.

I was a bit more cautious when we went to visit Drew because I knew Amelia would overly love him as well. The difference is that he is four weeks old. Here she is looking up at Kayla to make sure it was okay that she pulled his sock off.

Drew was a trooper. He didn't make a peep the whole time we were there. So sweet. See someone's little hand?


  1. Yay for all the pictures. I love her halloween costume. She makes a good bee.

  2. Drew is a trooper. He was so good when we were over there too!

    Emerson is so pretty! That's the first time I had seen a pic. Glad she's having fun with all her friends!

