Thursday, October 8, 2009


No pictures=gag.
Shambo on Survivor=gag
Medical school= gag.

So, you (and your family) devote four years of your life to becoming a doctor, only to find that it really counts for nothing. You still have to "match" to a program that will let you "practice" being a doctor. If you don't match somewhere then you sit out a year and try again the next. Hmm...its like years to the people of the medical school world are as disposable as minutes.

There are SIX family medicine residency spots at UAMS. As of this week, there have been 990 applicants. Umm..excuse me?

I know God has this under control, but I am allowing myself a small freak out moment. It seems to be heightened now that Amelia is here. And by it, I mean me wanting to live close to family. Ross and I both want so badly for her to experience all the different flavors of life that our families have to offer her.

So, Ross and I start our interview tour in November. Hopefully we will wow someone. Anyone....?

Jim and Pam got married= finally, wonderful
Project Runway= lovely obsession
King of the Crown= oh the hilarity
Toddlers and Tiaras= no for Amelia, but yes for me to watch


  1. We will be praying for you to wow someone and God to place you just where you need to be!
    Glad you had a fun day at Brandy's house!

  2. Thank heavens,no Toddlers and Tiaras for our Buzzy. whewwwwwwww.
    Yes, it is a frightening thing on the future.
    The Lord already has that plan in hand. Ross has many interviews,a match is the prayer.
    Hey, you WILL be close, Mtn.Home for life,that is the big thing.


  4. Hang in there Heather! I know exactly what you are going through with the residency match process! It is a very overwhelming, scary, and expensive time for you guys right now. Hang in there. And if you happen to interview in Minnesota give us a call. HAHA Oh, and if you don't remember who I am...ask Amy Carter! :)
    -Shea Deimel
