Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I am equally annoyed and sad. There is supposedly this insane amount of ice and snow moving into the Harrison area on Thursday and Ross and I probably won't be able to go home this weekend. Four weeks without NWA is about our limit and we have reached it. PLUS- were supposed to get to go to a nice dinner in KC for Ross's second look call back for residency and stay at the Hilton. I was really looking forward to some time with just Ross.

So, I am now a big ball of grouch.


Here is Amelia holding my purse all ready to go to Kroger this morning. You know, just so this post wasn't a total waste of your life.
She loves going to the grocery store, which makes my life quite enjoyable since groceries aren't optional. More later and a better attitude.


  1. She looks precious,Gran always had her purse set on go too. HAHAHA! She would have loved this one. We are sad too,but hey sometimes they miss it. We will just wait and see. May move in later or not at all. Of course I know that isn't the likelyhood. Love and miss you guys!Gam Gam

  2. Well the main thing is, we will all be safely home until it is over and not on the road. You can just plan on staying longer when you come..
    This little one is a joy,loves grocery shopping,who knew.
    So funny, big purse and heading out. Love it !!!!

