Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Cue our big and fun weekend. Lynna is coming from Kansas and Amelia has asked to see her every day since she was here last. This time, the whole family is coming and staying for three whole nights. Countdown, countdown. THEY ARE HERE!
We scurry around to go see Disney Live at JQH and everyone is pumped. As soon as we walk in there are pictures of princesses everywhere and the girls want a picture.

I am giddy as the lights go down in the theater. I love shows, musicals, plays--you name it. And, even if it was Disney Live, I am anxiously awaiting the start. It seems Amelia is not so giddy, but I think she must be in awe. Nope. She is immediately terrified five minutes into Snow White when the Queen comes out in all her evilness. We exit the theater and I calm her down and coax her back in. She is then immediately terrified of Sleepy, Doc and the others who are now onstage.

We are done. 90 bucks and five minutes later we are done. Amelia's take, "I'm just not old enough for that stuff, Mom." The girls want popcorn and cotton candy and we oblige, trying to save the evening.

The girls say all they really want is to watch a movie. Which we could have done for free. Here are the best friends doing just that.

The next morning has new promise and we are excited to head to gymnastics for open gym at a new place.
Lynna throws up everywhere in the house and in her car as we try to find the new gym (which we never found). They decide to take her home for fear she has a stomach bug and that is that. Our three days of fun was cut very short and Amelia cried for over and hour. She was so heartbroken. It was the saddest I have seen her I believe. For the life of her, she couldn't understand why Lynna had to get sick and wasn't spending the night at her house. And of course, since I was sad too and couldn't understand, my explanation of "sometimes these things happen," wasn't very comforting.

ENTER GAMMY AND GAMPY. Stay tuned to see how they save the day, the weekend, and probably even all this week.


  1. Poor lynna. Poor Amelia. They both had broken hearts. Glad you got the cute pics you did of those sweet friends. Can't wait for next post.

  2. So ready to hear how Amelia's Gammy and Gampy saved the day because this story made me so sad! The girls do look cute together :)

  3. Poor mom's pocketbooks and hearts that get so sad for our sweet girls when they are sad. hopefully an adventure that works out can be planned soon. The girls look precious-glad they got one night of fun together!
