Thursday, February 2, 2012

Little Red Schoolhouse

*sidenote- Even though Amelia is a little under the weather today, she was elated to get up and see if her precious groundhog saw his shadow. We watched it online and she was so excited to see the REAL groundhog. So Happy Groundhog Day from us :)

Amelia is very into playing school right now. She loves to sit at the table and have me be the teacher. Her favorite thing is to get the answer right and have me announce that all the other children got it wrong. LOL. I don't encourage it, but she really pushes for someone to be wrong and for me to hold her work up to show the other "kids" that she did the best. Yikes, ha.

She wrote her name for the first time last week and I just started bawling. Little by little she was getting a letter at a time and finally just wrote the whole name. My smart, smart baby.

Then, she asked me if she could learn how to write another name. I told her that Dad should be an easy one and she cranked this out.

I am her teacher, the beloved Mrs. Tonya from her school. Once we are in the zone, she never breaks character. In face the other night when I tucked her in, she said, "Mom, you aren't really Mrs. Tonya, are you?" I laughed so hard.
Yes, I am so proud of her :)

I am also really proud of my other baby. Elise plays school with us and really gets into her drawing and sticker love, haha. She sits very nicely for about 20 minutes while we do some lessons. And it doesn't seem to bother her that she often has to be someone that just doesn't get the answer right.


  1. The biggest surprise to me in all of this....Lissy being in on the school day for 20 min, GO LISSY.!!! lol
    So glad you are still using those teaching skills,don't want them to rust.
    No surprise on Ameila, just exactly like you were !!!!!

  2. We play school too but Deacon is ALWAYS the teacher and we are the students! Such a fun age!

  3. So so so proud of Amelia Claire! What a smart girl she is. I love play school and real school stories. Love that Elise will sit and draw too! Good girl Elise!

  4. You have made me laugh so hard at 4:23 in the a.m.-thanks! :) Love the funny Amelia stories..and her writing is just adorable. Smart girl! Love Elise's grin too! :)

  5. Good job Ms Tonya,I mean Heather.LOL Just to think how preschool started and how much she loves it now!:)Amelia is so you! You use to want to do the entire workbook in one sitting.Great job Amelia and Elise!Love you girls!

  6. For some reason I haven't been able to comment in forever. Anyway, I love this post. It cracked me up. I used to play school with my sister and I would always make some questions too hard for her so she would get them wrong. Hehe. It's not fun if everyone's always right. I'm still very impressed by her handwriting. Go Amelia!

  7. Woohoo Amelia! Not surprised though at your smart little cookie- it's in the genes! I remember I loved playing school...but I always wanted to be the teacher so I could grade papers and make big red x's...or put cute stickers on for the good ones- ha! Cute post. Love.

