Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Green Acres is the Place to Be

We went to the farm to see Pa's new baby calves on Sunday. Amelia quickly changed out of her church dress and into her "cowgirl boots" in case she "saw any cow poop." She named a black calf Sarah and a brown calf Thomas, and she was very proud of those names. Elise loved mooing at the cows, and stayed glued to the fence the first thirty minutes.

Then Elise saw Amelia climb the fence and immediately tried to scramble up herself. Thankfully, Pa was there to help.

Next, the girls picked some turnips for the horses. Frank (their little dog) tried to wrestle away one of Elise's turnips, but she screamed, "NO," and scared him off. Haha. This tickled me to pieces (after I stopped having a heart attack thinking Frank was eating her arm off).

Then it was off to the creek down the road to throw a few rocks in. If you will remember the last time we were near water, Elise didn't get to participate; however, she was delighted to have a hand to hold and a rock to throw this time.

Amelia was asking to ride the wheelbarrow and after a little investigating, we found out she meant the four-wheeler. And off they went!
Add to this wonderful day a meal of french toast and bacon and strawberries made by G and that's what I call an awesome day on the farm! Thanks G and Pa


  1. You know how I love a good day on the farm and your girls are adorable and fit right in! :) :) Love that Amelia wanted to ride the "wheelbarrow"...hey, that works too, right? Love ya.:)

  2. I love this post so much! You can see the fun had on the farm,sorry Ross missed out!Need to get the book,"The Enormous Turnip", after they pulled those up.Love the scrunchy face on Elise Mae and pink boots on Amelia Claire!

  3. Elise is getting so big and Amelia looks so grown up!

  4. I can picture all this unfolding and I love it. Elise and frank, Amelia and the wheelbarrow, a delicious breakfast lunch. Yummmmm.

  5. It's official. You must send Elise to me Right Now. I must have her. I have many, many turnip-snatching dogs in my life, and I could use her great self confidence. Besides, I adore her.
