Thursday, February 23, 2012


This picture is idyllic and beautiful and Amelia was having so much fun. What you don't see is me trying to balance the camera and keep a feisty Elise from trying to catapult herself into the river. You can't hear her screaming BATH or me laughing and looking a mess as she tries to wriggle free from my grasp to kiss a honking goose. This picture above is only part of the scene. Isn't that true about life in general? We always only see part of the scene when it comes to most situations that don't involve us directly, yet we judge like we've seen the whole thing. Or, I know I do. This picture made me want to work on that.


  1. This should be entered in a contest of some kind. Beautiful picture,capturing so much,the orange bow and white shirt, perfect contrast . Light off of water and ripples from breeze and ducks could not be better !!!!

  2. Awesome photo of our pretty girl and great story about our wild child! She is going to be soo fun!I like that they are all so different!:)

  3. Awesome pic of buzz! I just love it. I can picture what's going on behind the scenes for sure! Cracking up thinking about Elise scrambling to get in the water.

  4. Amazing photo!! I love this post.


  5. What a shot & a thought!
    Good job mom :)
    Pippo gives 2 thumbs up for sure!
