Friday, February 24, 2012


We saw a man sitting outside the library the other day and Amelia said, "I wonder why he is sitting there, Mom? Lets think of a few reasons."

I chuckled. This is what I do to her all the time to get her thinking and she was turning the tables on me in such a grown-up voice. Hilarious.

A: I will go first. I bet his legs got tired.
M: Good one. Or maybe he is waiting on a ride.
A: Or maybe he was too loud in the library.
M: Or maybe he is just getting some fresh air.

We went on like this for quite a while. These are the days :)

Me: You ready to go get sissy poo from school?
Elise: Poo Poo. Shewwwww.
Scene takes place right beside sign that says to keep your dog on a leash.
Amelia: Mom, there is a dog and he's not on a leash!
Me: I know, just stay right by Mom.
Random Lady at Park: Is she scared of dogs or something?
M: No, but I have taught her to be leery of strange dogs she doesn't know.
RLAP: Um, this is a puppy, not a dog.
M: Well, he could still bite her.
RLAP: Nope, he is just a baby, so he won't bite, but whatever.
M: Well, I'm biting my tongue off so that I don't say something very rude.


  1. Hilarious stories and poor lady-lol

  2. FREAK WOMAN !!! Good job biting tongue. I would have had my say to her, not following the park law. Noone thinks their dog will bite, DUH !!!!!
