Monday, October 4, 2010

Time Warp

This weekend was fun and busy, yet surprisingly felt like it went by at a wonderful enough speed that we got to enjoy everything. You know, as opposed to those awesome weekends that FLY. And, by everything, I mean playing with Gammy and Gampy, Drew's 1st Birthday, Fall Festival, Dance Party, Ingrid time, Meme and Pop fun, Girls Night Out, and the list goes on. We made the most of Ross's three days at the hospital for sure. Which, by the way, is tough. Someone said to me recently how easy it seemed for him to be a resident and I just kind of chuckled. I don't want to put on the front that it is easy. My family makes it easier for sure, but it is hard having him gone. I understand, but it is still hard at times. A lot of times. It isn't even that he is gone a ton (ie someone who travels all week), I am just used to having him around--and I like having him around. Okay, back on track.

Drew turned one and it was a fun shindig. Amelia got some cool shades out of the awesome goody bags and an Abby book, so she was smitten. A lot of Drew's family was there and at first Amelia was definitely not wanting anyone to talk to her. She warmed up when she saw the cake though. His cake was so cute and yummy.
Ing was a party pooper and slept through the whole thing haha. Sherrill and Bria were there and I had not seen Bria since Amelia turned ONE!! She has gotten so big and was so sweet--definitely not shy (except for when Derek tried to talk to her, lol). We got to take a balloon home and that was definitely icing on the cake for a great time according to my little one.

Happy Birthday Drew! (I think this piano was his favorite thing)
My appointment went well on Friday and the baby is measuring right on track. I say "the baby" because the tech had to leave for the afternoon and no ultrasound for me. It is becoming a big joke at this point :) So, we still don't know the sex, but a good report is even better. The next attempt is Oct 13th. Don't hold your breath.


  1. What a fun b/d party. Drew is a doll and so is Bria.
    You are handling all this great Heather,your pregnancy, Ross being so busy all the time. You have totally amazed me !! Very proud of you.
    You are a wonderful Mommy to a very important little girly girl.

  2. Great party fun with sweet kids.You are me times 1 million so of course you wish Ross was by your side at all times,but it will get better.You do a great job carrying on alone and filling Amelia's day with fun and learning.You are strong,and will do super with that baby that is due in about 11 1/2 weeks also!:)

  3. What a great weekend. Glad you had a good one. Can't wait to know for sure what you are having...the suspense is killing me. Not really, I think it's a girl. :o)

