Monday, October 25, 2010

Blow Out

This title has a two fold representation. But first, the second half of vacation was so fun. Went to Conway and Little Rock and Bryant and Jonesboro and Harrison and back home. I am paying for the traveling. Literally exhausted. Not the smartest move at thirty weeks pregnant, but necessary. I needed to see my friends. I needed time with Ross. Now, I need the couch and television. '

Amelia had the most fun with Gammy and Gampy. It was so sad leaving her for three nights and I cried as we pulled away and in continued on and off for a bit. Which is another BIZARRE thing about being a mom. You want a break, you need a break, some days you pray for a break and then when you get one, you cry. Weirdness. But, I knew she was in good hands and she has not stopped talking about them since we got home. Twice while in timeout she has cried down the hall for Gammy. She yelled out Gampy in a dream last night. Obviously she was just devastated that Ross and I were gone, lol. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the updates, picture texts, and just full, adoring attention that you give Amelia. Seems you already had your plates full being the best parents in the world, but you are somehow keeping that gig going and adding the best Gammy and Gampy in the world to your act. We love you.

1. Blow out- My gallbladder is trying to wreak havoc on the rest of my body. I had two bad attacks while gone and one involved a two hour blow out on night number two of vacation. Two cool, huh? Gallbladder attacks and even removal are common during pregnancy, but I prefer to be uncommon. It is a strange pain that can best be described as "a burning hot fire poker stabbing right under the ribs and through to the back." This leads to an "attack" as they are called and I will spare you those details. Just know it involves a lot of sweating. And praying. And toilet paper. Okay, I'm done. I have a doctor appointment on Friday, but my dear husband has already predicted what she will say. Eat no fried foods and no raw vegetables and bascially no fat and try to deal with it. My main question: Does that involve chocolate? Once the attack is over, you are just left with soreness. Fun times.

2. Blow out- My computer is gone. Fizzled out. History. A mere ten-ish days after the warranty expired, my laptop is kaput. Ross knew it was acting weird and backed up all the pictures on a hard drive. If those were gone, I would be insane right now. I'm still a little insane because I am having computer and picture withdrawal, but for now, I will use Ross's computer. It is incapable of uploading photos and I always make fun of it, but it is saving me right now and so I apologize.

Thanks for the vacation well-wishes--it was honestly so nice to just spend time with Ross and talk. Hopefully you will soon be gazing at pictures of our little spider trick-or-treating in Harrison or pictures of twelve day old Caleb or belly pics of Brandy and I or pumpkin carving night. Till then, love, peace, and no blow outs.

I do realize that no picture posts are not highly popular, but carry on I must. Oh, and please pray for Amelia. Shot day tomorrow :(


  1. picture posts are very unpopular--especially with me. but i read this whole wordy post! i know you are so proud.

    i'm so glad you had a good vacation. but so sorry about the gallbladder issues. yuck. hoping they dissolve for the last ten weeks. and no computer=nightmare. i would be dying. i need to see pics. i might have withdrawals without them this week.

    good luck on shots today ac. aunt steph loves you.

  2. Good luck with shots Amelia Claire,so sorry Gammy can't be there.I am sorry about your gall bladder and computer.I am glad most of your vacation was great! Excited to see pictures.
    We loved every minute with our precious Buzzy Bee and she needed no time outs!:)
