Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Ross said the other computer is beyond repair (yet he is still tinkering with it) and off he went to buy a new laptop. As in, right after I posted on his computer. He set it up for me last night right before the big storm that forced us all to sleep in the basement. Oh how I love to have a basement to go sleep in. He and Amelia never even woke up when it hit. Tornado Watch at the end of October? Ridic.

Anyway, I have a new laptop. It is cheap. But, it is silver. I love silver and feel that it will give this computer the ability to not crash. We shall see.

On to the pictures. Ross and I just spent some time doing this..
And this...

Isn't he so cute? It was observed that we couldn't put him in his swing or bassinet. Perhaps this is why Amelia wouldn't lay down? Oh well, I love to spoil. When he was crying, I tried to walk around and pretend Amelia was tailing me, but I couldn't get a feel for it. Oh well, soon enough, right? Aaron and Reb have a beautiful house on the golf course and we only wish our visit could have been longer. The next time we see them, Elise will be here!
I can't forget Spode...he was quite worried every time Caleb would cry. Sweet dog.
Shots went well today and Amelia scored some treats at Target for being such a big girl. I still like having someone go with me, but was surprised at how well the two of us managed. Mainly me. Thanks for checking on us and for the prayers. At 20 months she is in the 10th percentile for weight and the 60th for height. Tall and skinny like her Daddy. My favorite part of the visit was when she said, "Uh-oh Pink," because the Dr. forgot to look in Pink's ears. Then, Pink (her doll) had each thing done to her as well. Patient doctor lol.

Back to organizing pictures now.


  1. Yay for a new laptop. Good thing Ross backed up your pictures, it is not cheap to have those recovered from a crashed computer (speaking from experience). That is crazy about your gallbladder. Does not sound like fun AT ALL. What pregnant lady can not eat fried foods and fat.

  2. Love those little lips in last one-lol looks like you had fun! What a wonderful husband getting you new laptop so quickly when he needs one as well for all his stuff.That wind was something here for sure.

  3. love little caleb. he's so sweet. presh beyond presh. thank heavens for a new laptop! go rossco. so proud of buzz. she is a big girl. i'm cracking up at the pink story!


  4. The trip to the Dr. and Target was so funny, shared it with Myrt,she cracked up.Glad the shot mess is over until Feb for Amelia.
    What a precious little boy they have,so happy for them.
    hmmm new laptop huh?? You are still spoiled Heather,now by Rossman.
    Your new diet will help you lessen GB attacks. Those are BAD !!!!!!!!
