Friday, October 8, 2010

We Love Ing-Ing

Ingrid Cate is so precious it isn't even funny. Amelia has a major love for her and constantly talks about her. The last two times Mom and Amelia went to the store, they picked out a toy for Amelia and a toy for Ingrid. I took Amelia to Target yesterday to get a toy for being good at school (yes, I totally take that route) and she immediately asked, "Ing-Ing?" I told her Ingrid was not going to be at the store and then she said, "No, Ing-Ing toy." We get to Target and have this conversation.

Me: (after forty minutes of looking and not being able to choose) "Amelia please pick out a toy for being good at school or I am going to have to pick one out for you."
Amelia: "Troller."
Me: "A stroller for your babies? Good choice! Now let's go home and get some lunch."
Amelia: "NOOOO ING-ING."
Me: "Inside voice please. Why are we getting Ing-Ing a present? She didn't go to school today."
Amelia: "Ing-Ing nice."
Me: "Yes, Ingrid is nice. What do you want to get her?"
Amelia: "Book."

We go over to pick Ingrid out a book and I am thinking that I will go broke if I have to buy Ingrid something every time that I buy Amelia something. Thanks Mom. :) We read it when we got home and might read it a few more times before we give it to Ingrid. No one tell her, okay?


  1. Very cute story of sharing with her cousin.
    Darling pictures of the girls. That cracked me up on I.C. and Drake, oh my twins. lol

  2. Oh dear, I have started it now-you will have to tell her only she and Gammy do that -lol Cute shots of Ingrid Catey Bug and Buzzy Bee!I love their little matching green bows.I love the boot outfit too! Love you guys!:)

  3. ingrid says--Presents, hooray! hahaha. love all these pics of my little ic. so presh. had a great time while you were here.
