Monday, October 18, 2010


After about nineteen days without a day off, Ross had a weekend free that led straight into vacation!!! We are so pumped to have him around--I, for help and rest and Amelia for some major playing time. Honestly just after Saturday and Sunday, I felt like a whole new woman and his vacation hadn't officially started.

Friday Mom, Steph, and Michelle and Sarah (Steph's co-workers) came to get me for dinner and Fiddler on the Roof. The play was amazing and I loved the man that played the lead --just loved him. It was a great night out and I am so glad they invited me. Ross and Derek kept Ingrid and Amelia and the girls were both sound asleep when we got home with no problems :)

Saturday was pumpkin patch day and the weather was ideal, accompanied by delightful moods, and the perfect people. Honestly--the day was so fun. See for yourself.

Amelia truly wanted a green pumpkin, but at the last minute decided on a flat, semi-smooshy, lopsided orange one. We let her get it..why not? Ingrid was good as gold and snug in her little sling sound asleep. She woke up in time to hear the live music and pick a pumpkin though. Thanks for coming up and spending the night Henderson family!I love the little family above and none of us wanted them to leave. Specifically Amelia Claire, lol.

Oh, and my sugar was fine, so I polished off the rest of the Chips Ahoy and a new box (yes, box, the rolls are for wimps) of Starbursts to celebrate. Thanks for those that asked :)


  1. Amelia looks so grown up in the first picture. Yea for vacation and for rest!

  2. Glad Uncle d didn't drop his lol.Looks like a wonderful day.The picture laying in the pumpkins is so cute.Ingrid and Amelia and are precious in their Halloween attire. Woop Woop VACATION!!!!

  3. Good time at pumpkin patch. Glad you all had fun together...

  4. what a perfect day. i had been looking forward to it for so long. so glad it was a raging success! thanks for all the great pics.

