Thursday, September 16, 2010

What A Week

I cannot hold my eyes open. Yet, here I am. Typing in my sleep. Talented much?

What a week. At the risk of mucho complaining, I will post some pictures first. And then, try to fill you in on my blogging gap with rays of sunshine. Gag.

Just a few of Amelia's favorite things....

Gammy and Gampy

Playing with Aunt Steph

Baby Ingrid
Pedicures (Okay, she didn't get one, but Emily and I did and that meant that Amelia got to stay and play with Asher---so I count it as one of her favorites)

**Pedicure story in a minute

I don't really like the Hogs. I don't dislike them, but I just don't care if they win or lose. That is horrible, and some people will stop reading this blog for that very reason. But I have never Woooo Pig Sooied in my life and I went and tailgated one time and almost died of heat and boredom. Moving on. Asher had on his Hog Head and Amelia really needed to kiss it. So sweet. If she wants to love the Hogs, I will totally let her :)

Went to Harrison for a quick overnight visit Tuesday (and for me to get my hair done) and Amelia soaked up all the fun a girl could soak up. Wednesday we drove back in time for pedicures for Emily and I. It was a cute salon and we got our pedicures, enjoyed some girltalk, and then were blasted with a $55 charge--each. Can you seriously imagine paying that for a pedicure? Emily said she almost threw up in her mouth when they gave her the price (I wasn't up there yet). She explained that we called and set up the $25 pedicure (which was supposed to be a 30 minute one and ours was an hour) and that she was sorry for any confusion. We laughed so hard as we left--knowing the nail techs wanted to chase us down and slash our tires. So, go back up and look at the picture of toenails totaling over $100. I can't believe they gave us our $25 price really.

Thursday was the first MOPS and "school" didn't go near as well as the meet and greet. Sigh. There were a MILLION more kids in Amelia's classroom (the one year olds) than were at the meet and greet and they had to open the door and combine her class with the babies. Everyone was screaming and Amelia kept asking them to stop crying lol. So, they moved her to the 2-3 year old room. YIKES. Those kids seemed way bigger than her and she cried when I left. I had a worker go check later and she was being held, but not crying. She was held practically the whole time--I am praying next school day is better. I thought she was teething that morning because she had a low grade fever, but it was the beginning of the stomach bug I found out later that evening.

She slept four hours on Thursday night and I slept one. Fevers are so scary. I just worried and worried and rocked and gave Tylenol and prayed her fever would break and changed diarrhea diapers. Thanks for letting me text you at all hours Mom. I know all kids get sick and parents have to pull all-nighters, but that is hard to remember when it is you. We missed Pa's surprise 60th party on Friday night and that was super sad. Ross went straight from work and got some good pictures I will upload tomorrow. He is on call today and Amelia just keeps asking for him over and over. Feeling like a single mom for sure on little sleep and no help in three days, but taking the time to say a prayer for those who actually are doing this mom thing alone. Whew. Today she is a little better and fever free, but is really trying to test me and see if she is still getting the "sick" treatment. She is acting out and doing things she usually doesn't and then blaming it on her stomach. Hmmmmm. It's annoying.

There ya have it. You are caught up, so go on with your daily lives now :) Thanks for the calls checking on Amelia--it means a lot and was sure sad when she just couldn't stop crying. I think she is on the road to recovery. Her mom on the other hand.....well, we will just blame the pregnancy hormones.

Oh, I forgot swinging. Another huge favorite for sure.


  1. great photos! i cannot believe the pedicure story! 55 bucks?? seriously? haha. so sad buzzy was a sick chick. but i'm so happy she is feeling better. even if it means she's acting out and yelling "tomach" when she gets in trouble. haha. since i'm not the mom i can laugh and think it's hilarious that she is that smart. :)


  2. Your time is coming Steph..

    Glad blog as usual. Pop loves reading
    I love the pictures of Buzzy.
    Pedicure time was good for you and Emily. As it turned out, GREAT PRICE. haha

  3. Friends and pedicures=fun times and good prices-lol
    Amelia sick=sad Gammy and Gampy
    Amelia's favorites things=smiles for everyone
    Not being a huge football fan=taking after your Mom and Dad, not your Meme and Pop Hope you don't lose your hog fan readers LOL
    Missing Pa's party=sad
    Love you all!

  4. Oh man, the stomach bug is no good. We dealt with that when Bentley was about the same age. Can't imagine pulling an all nighter while being pregnant though. Hopefully you can catch up on some sleep soon.
