Sunday, September 26, 2010

Buggin Out

Amelia loves bugs. This has not been my influence. She came out of the womb loving bugs and loving bug books. G got her a bug catching kit and she has been obsessed with trying to get bugs in it. Can you see the one little cricket in there? Ha.

Her and her dad have been on bug catching sprees. This morning she wanted me to go with her and I reminded her I don't do bugs. A dramatic fit ensued, but I didn't cave. Seriously, I am not going bug hunting.

She chose to be a spider for Halloween. The costume was in the boy section, but that is what she asked to be. She can be Charlotte from Charlotte's web. Maybe Ross can be Wilbur lol. Speaking of Ross, he started a new service yesterday and it is the pits. He is so busy and didn't get home until 7:20. WAH. Mind you, his day started at 4:30. Amelia looked for him from about six on. We had to eat supper without him and she kept pointing to his chair saying, "Dad? Gone? Work?" This service lasts a month and I am already counting down the days until it is over.

Amelia was up for two hours last night. No fits or crying. She was being a donkey. And talking to her pacifier in another language. I am going to take a nap.


  1. You need a nap! Bugs,may have a scientist on our hands.Jen use to catch crickets all the time and name them.LOL I know you two will miss Ross with his long hours and he will miss you.

  2. Hope you had a good nap! Bentley is my bug killer (don't tell Amelia). He knows I do not like them so he takes care of them for me. I was not happy when he started building guns out of blocks and playing with them, so when he wants me to play I tell him "mommy doesn't play with guns." He gets mad too, but I refuse.

  3. Love she is speaking in another language,so bright,sorry you don't understand it. lol
    Poor Rossman, this may be his hardest and longest hours.
    Bug girly girl !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Donkeys and pacifiers!! Baahahahahah!! Love it!!

  5. I'm with you on the bug thing. Today on our walk Jackson caught 7 or 8 grasshoppers and put them in his cage. The biggest one bit him. I'm gonna have to blog about it....hope you have a speedy month. Boo to long days.

  6. she loves bugs. so funny. cannot wait to see her in her spider costume. she will be the cutest spider in the world. so funny that she is playing donkey. wish it wasn't in the middle of the night though. can't wait to see you friday. hoooorayyyy

