Monday, August 1, 2011


Amelia with croup- check
Trip to Urgent Care- check
Fever for five days- check
Sad and sleepy mom- check
Even sadder little girl- check
Teething Elise- check
Being held all night- check
No blogging- check

I snuck in a trip to Branson for my birthday weekend thanks to Ross, Mom, and Dad all pitching in big time. That post is coming. So fun. Tonight Amelia is fever free, but still coughing. Elise has been up four times crying in the past hour and a half. Hoping one of her little teethers comes in soon.

Dozing on couch until she is up again- check.


  1. Oh no! Hope everyone is back to normal soon.

  2. Prayers for strength for you! Praying for the girls to feel better too...

  3. You are lucky you got away a bit or you would be even more tired.LOL Hope Amelia and Elise make a turn around by tomorrow.
