Saturday, August 13, 2011

Buh Bye

Sickness is gone! We finally got rid of the Great Summer Virus of 2011 and nine days passed and it made its way through the whole family. Elise got it the least severe of everyone and that was thanks to a lot of prayer and the blessing that I was still nursing. I started feeling much better when my fever broke and was almost well on Sunday and Ross was just starting nights. Good timing, but nights are horrible no matter how you slice it. We just don't see him any and it makes me sad. So, we came to Harrison for the last few nights and have been having tons of fun. Elise has her first tooth on the bottom left side! She hasn't even been that fussy--such a trooper.
Ingrid came over while her mom worked at school and everyone was congregated around their Gammy. I just love this shot because she is so kind and loving and these girls just love her so much. Amelia had a blast with Ingrid over and Ingrid kept following her around saying, "Meil, Meil." Adorable.
We shopped and ran some errands on Friday and I got Amelia a new outfit to wear on her first day of Mother's Day Out. [She starts school two days a week Aug 22nd. I'm dying. She meets her teacher on Tuesday and my stomach is already in knots. When did she get so big?] However, she loved it so much she just HAD to wear it today. Elise waved bye-bye for the first time to her Meme. Then, she waved to me! I couldn't believe it. She's getting so big too. WAHHHHH.


  1. Waved and said, "bye bye" Waved many times. Such a smart one, has to keep up with the other two big shots. Loved getting to be with them, we always do. Rena Lynn is a special Gammy,knew she would be!!!

  2. Thanks daughter and mother-LOL Love my girls -all of them and Elise waves bye and does say it, I agree with mom.Praying Amelia loves school as much as her mom and Aunt did!!!!

  3. In that first picture Elise looks like Amelia. Amelia's new outfit is super cute and she looks so proud modeling it.
