Thursday, March 31, 2011

Daddy's Girl

Amelia has really been wanting her Daddy to be home a lot lately and this week he is on nights, so I took her up to see him for a treat. She was thrilled to be at "Daddy's Hospital."

She loved the cafeteria food and ate more than she ever does at home, lol. "Mom, this is delicious." Ross and I laughed so hard; she usually says things are yummy, but apparently the caf chef made the best grilled cheese in the world.
Elise was excited before we left, but she fell asleep on the way there and just took a short nap instead of visiting with Daddy.

We had more fun today at our playdate at Julie's house. Amelia and her new friend Liam invented a new game--swinging on the bar in his closet. I almost had a heart attack, but since Julie allows it, (and our closets don't have low bars) I just let it go. A big pat on my back :)

Elise was such a good girl and just chilled with her buddy Micah.

Then we went to eat lunch with Emily and Micah--so fun and so delicious. I love Qdoba's food. Then, we went to Orange Leaf and finally home for naps. Such a wonderful morning and afternoon with some of my favorite people.


  1. Love the pic of Elise smiling!
    Maybe Amelia is hitting a growth spurt. Dinner at the hospital and strawberries today.
    And go you for letting Amelia swing on the bar AND climb the step stool :)
    Hope you love orange leaf as much as I do!


  2. Elise is getting so big! And Amelia's hair is getting so long and pretty! We just tried Qdoba the other day and it was really good, if you get a chance you have got to try a Chipotle Mexican Grill, they have similar food and service style!

    Sending some love from B'ham!
    The Lancasters

  3. Cute pictures...well, the food is good at that hospital caf. good job taking the girls to eat with their Daddy.
    Fun play dates.
