Saturday, March 12, 2011

Oh Lowe You Didn't

Our first trip out with both girls in public was this week-- Lowe's. Nice wide aisles. Not too many kids. Just needed some shelving and a medicine cabinet. Who knew the trip would cause Amelia to say, "That was SO much fun!" She loved it, ha. And Elise slept the whole time. Success.

Here is Elise before we left the house. Holy cuteness.

It was raining and Amelia was delighted to wear her rain coat.
However, not near as excited as when she noticed these model showers. She got in and went to town. Scrubbing her hair and singing and washing for twenty minutes. Workers were lined up watching her. She was even more delighted and screamed out, "EVERYBODY is watching me!!"

The double stroller worked out nicely, but it made me nervous to think about taking BOTH girls and the stroller somewhere by myself. It was good with Ross. Not sure I am ready to take both somewhere with it yet.

Oh Lowe's, what a fun trip you turned out to be. Amelia felt carpet samples, ooohed and ahhed at the fan and light section, and took her first shower. It's the little things :)


  1. Shower photos hilarious!Look comfy in stroller, but I can see what you mean about getting it lined out,but bet you would be a pro in no time. Elise is cute as can be to go to Lowes too.Amelia's last year raincoat still fits perfectly and is soo cute. Love you girls,have fun with Gampy today!

  2. Lowe's, Walgreens & Dollar Store, what more do you want??

  3. I love that Amelia was taking a shower--which she has never done. So funny. And of course she loved everyone looking at her. bhahaha. Elise looks too presh in those zebra pants. Miss them and you.

  4. When I told Myrt all about the shower deal. She said, "oh my,that is Heather all over again" LOL She was cracking up.Love the dbl stroller picture, NO BIG BOW.

  5. Amelia in the shower....too funny! Love her.

  6. Rub a dub dub!
    Amen on "It's the little things"!! Enjoy & treasure every single one :)
