Thursday, December 2, 2010

Deck the Halls

Thank you Mammaw!! We got a new Christmas tree and it is just beautiful in our new house. Mammaw gave us some money to spend on Amelia and Elise, and we decided to purchase this tree that we could enjoy together as a family for many years. I simply am loving Christmastime in our new home. We put up our new advent calendar and Amelia is so excited to add a figure to the scene each night. She is most excited about adding baby Jesus on Day 25 lol. I always loved advent calendars as a child and it is surreal that I am now getting to explain how one works to my little bee. We had to wait on her Daddy to get home--she has been very aware lately that he is missing out on certain things we do during the day and sometimes she will refuse to do things until he gets home from wuhk.

She wanted to wait on him to hang our stockings up and her new i'msoexcitedscrunchfacesmile seems to be the norm these days.

Amelia was dancing around the house this morning before school, but decided to start crying once we got in the car and saying she didn't want to go.

I took her in crying and crying, but stood outside the door until she stopped and her teachers said she ended up getting down (one of her teachers spoils her and will hold Amelia as long as Amelia requests it) and playing with the other kids. So, one of our roughest starts ended with one of her best days. And, I had a great MOPS meeting and enjoy the encouragement and stories and advice from the other moms.

Ross had an emotional day at work with one of his patients and it made me realize how tough residency can be for him at times. He is working 14 hours a day and coming home and being a great dad and playing with Amelia every second he is here. I am really good at realizing how tough residency is on me. But, as he shared with me some of his heavy heart this evening, I was reminded what an important thing he is doing. And I have never been prouder.


  1. The tree is beautiful! It looks so great in that spot and is nice and tall with your tall ceilings.Mamaw will love it!I love her excited face.Ross is a great dad and a great doctor. I am so sorry he had a sad day.See you in the am for little Elise's check-up.

  2. wow. love your tree!!

  3. GREAT BLOG...LOVE PICTURES..Can't wait for our Christmas Eve at the Halsteds !!

  4. Pop loved all the blog pictures. Thinks your tree is beautiful !!! Of course his high light was Buzzy wanting to tell him how good she did at MOPS. Love advent calendars!
    Ross is what a Dr.should be, kind and caring..It is not easy, but so rewarding to be in the medical profession. We admire him and proud of him.
    As for you, keeping the home running smoothly during all his time away has helped him do his job. Proud of you also.
