Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I started feeling bad last night--dizzy, headache, legs aching and swelling, etc. Ross took my blood pressure and it was sky high compared to where it has been this whole pregnancy. With my blood pressure issues last pregnancy, Ross felt that I needed to go up to be checked out and I agreed. We took Buzz to Jens (where she had a blast) and headed up to the hospital. My blood pressure was still up when we got there and they started the tests. Everything was negative on the preeclampsia testing and we were SO relieved. We got my blood pressure to come down by resting quietly, but Elise wasn't responding too well, so we stayed for some more monitoring. After some juice and crackers, she finally started moving around and giving them what they wanted to see. She has seemed her normal self today and I have counted a lot of kicks. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and texts and concerns. Whew. I don't do much drama free it seems, but I would love a calm remaining eight days. I go to see my doctor in the morning and we will see what she says about all these events.

Earlier yesterday was MUCH more fun and we had a Kids Christmas Party at Lynna's house. Casiee had brownies and cookies and spinach dip for the moms and the kids painted ornaments and dipped pretzels. We ordered pizza and it was just so wonderful. I never really understood playdates and two year olds having "friends," but now I get it. I get how important it is to have another mom to talk to about things and share struggles with and how important it is to see your kids loving other little human beings and becoming their own people.

It was a great morning that blurred into the afternoon and Amelia screamed for her friends the whole way home. I was scared to move to Springfield and the blessing of this small group of friends (for Amelia and I) is immense.

Amelia loved playing with Lynna's toys and kept dragging them all out of her room. The kids played well together and I really tried to just let them be and not hover. Tried...and did fairly well.

Let you know tomorrow what the doctor says!


  1. What darling kiddos. Good friends to girly girl. Fun time for you also.
    Now for the rest of the day,hmmmmmm,no so much. It all turned out ok so far however.

  2. Are blogging and uploading photos part of resting? :). I am serious if you need me to do something PLEASE let me know! Also you did a great job of not hovering although I think Asher would not mind if you went everywhere he goes he thinks you are so fun to play with!

  3. She's so cute with her friends. Praying for you and Elise in your last week.

  4. Scary for sure with a wild mom and dad who flew up there lol-thanks to Jen and Jared for loving and playing with her and to Amelia who is more flexible than we are.I am so thankful for Emily and Casiee-God is good!Praying for a 29th delivery with no more complications. DARLING PICTURES!:)
