Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Teach 'Em Young

Amelia went on her first four and a half hour shopping adventure last weekend. She did great and even rode in her stroller. You all know that she will NOT stroll for me, but Mom pushed her for like two hours. CRAZY! After she got tired of that she rode in the backpack for a while, but overall it was a great success.

She got a lot of cute clothes. I mean...more than the normal person would think of when they hear 'a lot.' As in...a ridiculous amount. We couldn't help it though. Children's Place, Osh Kosh, and Gymboree were all having huge sales :)

Aunt Steph has stopped by to see Amelia every day and even took off work to take care of her today while I am in Columbia. Thanks Steph! Yes, I cannot stop posting while I sit in the motel.I love this picture of Amelia and Derek. Moustache and all.


  1. Many shopping trips to come I hope. I loved most of the day! So fun with our latest shopper added-ha! Her stuff is adorable of course!

  2. We've had a blast! Can't wait to see AC in a bday party dress today. :)
