Sunday, November 7, 2010

Daylight StealYourSleep Time

I put Amelia to bed a full hour and a half LATE hoping to compensate for this ridiculous fall back mess. However, she still awoke at six, obviously thinking it was seven. I don't do six--period. Hmph. She fell asleep early for nap (still can't get over how sweet she looks in her bed) and maybe things will get on track this week.
She was wonderful at church today and I honestly cannot believe how much better it is going to leave her in the nursery. Answered prayers for sure. I actually am back to focusing 100% on the sermon and not worrying about her. :) It seems she always has a quirk and the new one the past two times I have left her is that she won't eat a snack with the group. She told them she eats with her mom. LOL.

We have been making turkeys...

And painting important things...
And reading books to an audience...
Seeing Goga in the foreground gets me tickled. I am WAY into naming everything. Lately I have asked Amelia (when she gets something new) what she thinks their name is. She named her doll in the pink pajamas Pink and her new giraffe Giraffe and so forth. However, the last few weeks she has gotten creative. The pink wiggle thing is Goga and she got three new dog figurines and named them Yaya, Yaya 2, and Jack. Oh, I love it.

Ross is on call today and Amelia cried when he left this morning, screaming, "NO WORK DADDY, NO WORK." Bless her heart--that is the first time she has acted distraught. Thankfully a cup of milk and a Sunday morning show were the perfect distractions.


  1. Time change-gotta love it!she is just precious in her bed for sure! I love all your crafts and fun you have together.So good seeing you this afternoon!

  2. Really, those turkeys are great, so glad we got to see them when we were there.
    Time change, grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    So, so glad Buzzy loves her bed. whewwwwww

  3. poor buzz. did not want ross to have call. i don't blame her! i LOVE the turkeys and all things craft. way. to. go. :) and another bed shot! yippee for me. she looks so sweet in it. so glad she still loves goga. and i love the new names for the puppies. go buzzy!
