Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Run Like the Wind

Amelia likes to run now. She gets her arms and legs going in a semi-trot and it is so hilarious. And, she has a swing obsession. Good thing her Gammy and Gampy bought her one, right? Ha.

She is fourteen months old today. I'm not sure how that much time has gone by, but it seems there was never a me without her. And, I love it.

  • Amelia checked out her first library books yesterday and she loves them. I cannot count how many times we have read Duckie's Rainbow. She loves it, and I think we might need to own it.
  • Another first was an ice cream date. Don't worry, it was parent chaperoned. Owen was a perfect gentleman and Amelia loved my strawberry and cheesecake ice cream.
  • She still is a baby food lady and I am okay with that, but I hope she broadens her "real" food repertoire soon. She is eating Ritz, Goldfish, grilled cheese and chicken fries. Oh, and an assortment of cereal.
  • I finally put her in the regular bathtub and she loves it. Yes, I know other children have been out of their baby tubs since they could sit unassisted. Don't care.
  • Amelia still loves books and is paying attention to every word and points to the pictures for you to say what it is. She has recently started "reading" some pages and moves her mouth up and down in a hilarious motion.
  • She wants to go outside all day every day. It is fun to play at the park and slide and swing with her; one of my favorite things. However, it is not fun to deal with the arching back and flung back head when we must go inside.

I love that I have learned so much in these fourteen months, but that I learn something new every single day about being a mom. Usually lots of somethings. It is humbling and encouraging and invigorating and tiring.


Thank you for helping become a much better person. One who loves unconditionally and has more patience. Thank you for that huge toothy grin each morning when you are ready to wake up. Thank you for that mischievous look you flash over your shoulder when you are pretty sure that you should not be doing whatever it is you are about to do. Thank you for the sheer delight that you take in seeing a bird, a tree, or a leaf blow across the pavement. Thank you for the way you cause my heart to literally burst at the seams with pride and love.



  1. The patience is with Amelia only !!! But that is good thing ,makes me happy... It is wonderful you have had these months to watch her grow and teach her so much. Good job !!!

  2. Thank you Lord for allowing Heather to stay home and have this much JOY in her life! Amelia Claire is 1 smart cookie and entertains us all! :)

  3. good post for a 14 month old smarty! love your letter to her. perfecto.


  4. haha. the first comment is funny.
    But what is not funny is your heart condition. We should call a doctor, I'm pretty sure heart bursts aren't healthy, literally. Great post.

