Thursday, April 8, 2010

Freaky Friday

I like being honest. It is free therapy for me really. My struggle has always been with being too honest. I am constantly working on tactfully telling my opinion. Even when asked, some people don't want to know what you really think. Sometimes though, on this blog, I am restricted. I type something and think, "Hmm, I should include that in my journal, but not for the world to see."

Apparently I think the world is reading my blog. Oh, Heather.

So, here is some brutal truth I have been mulling around- unedited.

- It is difficult to talk to people (specifically working moms) about staying at home. I feel like if I gush over how wonderful it is (and it is wonderful) then it comes across like I don't support their decision (or often their necessity) to work. If I say that it is harder than I expected it to be (and it is hard) and that I miss working (and I sometimes do) then it might come across as if I am not grateful for the opportunity. The truth is this: I could not be doing anything else other than staying home with Amelia right now. That is all I know; this works for us and we are happy.

- I don't worry much about money. That is pretty obvious seeing as I quit my job and I was the sole provider for our family. Loans have given me a false sense of security. We really watch what we spend, but I am not worried that we will run out of money because we can just take out the next little step of student loan. Insane, right? Next year = no loans to fall back on. Reality checkkkkk.

-Fear is a constant battle I fight. For some it is insecurity, guilt for others; pride, addiction, the battles go on. Mine is fear. Gripping, can't see straight fear. Anxiety about things that are not controllable. Big issues. Yes, I am nervous about moving and nervous about meeting new friends and nervous about a new church, but I am not fearful. I am not talking nerves...I am talking fear. As in, not of the Lord fear. As in, lack of faith fear. Working on it every single day. Improving, but working.

-I am tired. Honestly, I would like to go to bed when Amelia does every night. But, I force myself to stay up and talk to Ross and watch some telly. Okay, force sounds harsh, but you know what I mean. I make an effort because it is important to do so. Important for Ross and I as a couple and important for me as an individual. After 8:30 is my time with Ross and it stinks that I get tired at 8:35. :) More Dr. Pepper.

- Umm I didn't vote in the election. So much for patriotism, huh? I honestly didn't care enough. I don't talk politics, don't read the newspaper or watch the news because I just don't care. I can't bash Obama because I didn't vote--that seems like a simple enough rule to me. However, I need to at least be informed of day to day activity in the country. The only problem is that I don't even trust the news that I read...

- Last truth for the day is that I am disappointed in my Christian walk. I need to do more outwardly. My relationship with Christ is my business and I will always have to work at my quiet time, but I need to work on my outward walk as well. This passage smacked me in the face: "Does merely talking about faith indicate that a person really has it? For instance, you come upon an old friend dressed in rags and half-starved and say, "Good morning, friend! Be clothed in Christ! Be filled with the Holy Spirit!" and walk off without providing so much as a coat or a cup of soup--where does that get you? Isn't it obvious that God-talk without God-acts is outrageous nonsense?" --James 2:14-17, The Message

- One more. Ross was off today and took Amelia to play at The Wonder Place this morning and I went for a pedicure with Amy. I didn't feel guilty-only wonderful. And, Amy paid for mine. It was such a special treat.

Because I can't resist..


  1. cute picture of that little bee
    great sunglasses girls
    nice gift of the pedicure

  2. Adorable picture!! I'm glad you can be honest. I can relate to almost every point you made. Sometimes it's good to know other people struggle with the same things you do.

  3. excellently honest post. you are the best mom/wife/sister in the world! we love you.


  4. Oh Heathy,nothing like ya.
    You have fought a lot of battles with fear and won. Don't be so hard on yourself,we all have fears to deal with.Can't relate to tired at 8:35 but u put a lot into your days.
    All will be fine and dandy..
