Friday, April 2, 2010

Plip Plop

1. Amelia randomly got a 102 degree fever yesterday. This was out of the blue--so fast.
2. Dr. said it was a "virus" which irritates me because I like to know when and where and why.
3. I skipped workout class and ate M and M's and nachos for supper. Flab.
4. I was worried all night her fever would spike and slept virtually none.
5. She had slept alone for SIX nights in her pack n play--a complete miracle and accomplishment and last night I let her sleep with me, potentially ruining everything.
6. This morning she has a 100.1 with no Tylenol, so that is much better, and things were looking up.
7. However, the weather forecast is frightening at best and so we probably won't get to go home anyway due to tornado potential. Us + vehicle + tornado = not good.
8. I hate when my plans are ruined and now I am trying to reconfigure when we will go home for the Easter festivities and Pop's birthday.
9. It appears that I am very annoyed/frustrated based on this list.
10. No cute pictures of sick chick. She prefers photo shoots only when she is totally fever free.

I do not like kinks in my plans and perhaps will never learn to roll with the punches. However, that is my husband's job anyway and I would hate to step on his turf. Plip. Plop.


  1. Poor sweet Amelia. Hope she feels better in time for your Easter activities. Also I feel ya on the weather thing. We are supposed to get some bad weather and can't go home tonight either. It does stink to have plans altered. I never get used to it...maybe someday. For now we can just count on the Lord having other plans for our nights. Hopefully it's not being blown away in a tornado. Stay safe. :o)

    Love ya,

  2. Oh dear Jaimi you are wild! The life of a mom is rearranging plans and going with the flow. All works out fine even if not your original plan and it is urksome sometimes-LOL.If safer tomorrow,tomorrow it will be and Amelia will feel better to travel anyway.

  3. we have the same child. caedmon had a random fever today and potentially will ruin our plans while my family is in town for easter. he also has been sleeping in his bed a total of 10 hours a night, waking up a few times, but not sleeping in our bed or on our floor. sooooo, the sickness/virus might kill our sleep routine, BUT we're going to work really hard to stay firm tonight.
    ahhhh, this is never easy! but so worth it!
