Thursday, February 11, 2010


I love chocolate covered strawberries. Like, they are up there with Dr. Pepper, which I drink by the gallon. So, imagine my surprise when this showed up at my door today.

Hmm...surely it's not really what the outside of the box says. Surely.

Delicious. Decadent. Dang good. My sweet Mom and Dad sent Ross and I such a unique and thoughtful Valentine's Gift. Thanks guys, we loved them. Amelia got a box of Valentine goodies as well.

She loved her box and carefully examined each thing. First the cute cup and then the two new books and the card. All a big hit.

Then, this dog. See?Speaking of Valentine's Day, Ross has planned a surprise for me on Saturday and I am beyond excited. We haven't been away in aaagggggeeees. He is trying to tell me everything about the surprise though. I know it is Branson and he already told me where we are staying. By Saturday, I am sure I will know everything he has planned. Amelia is staying with Gam and Gamp and she says, "Have fun and don't hurry back." Actually, that sounds like something Mom and Amelia would say.

Yes, I realize that Amelia doesn't actually talk in complete sentences. But, I just know what she means. Okay, so she doesn't really talk at all. Sheesh.

We also got these adorable Valentine's cards from Will and Walker today. Love.

And Mammaw sent a pop-up card. What a delightful trip to the mailbox today!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah for Valentine's Day! See you soon! Love you. Gammy
