Sunday, May 31, 2009

Amelia's Dedication

Last night, we dedicated Amelia to the Lord at our Saturday night service. It was so great for our friends and family to all make the trip to see her for her special night. Thank you guys for taking part. Gammy got bronchitis and couldn't make it and even though we were so sad, we are glad she is feeling better. Here is our sweet little family before we left.
And the lady of the hourAfter the dedication, we went to Mimi's Cafe--her FIRST restaurant outing. She did great. No crying for this big girl.

I still have to go to school Mon, Tue, and Wed of next week, so Aunt Steph is babysitting. Lots of fun fashion shoots will be had, I'm sure. Today we are taking Amelia shopping after she wakes up from her nap. Gotta start that girl early.

Even if you don't like watermelon, this might change your mind.

I got a sling at a baby shower and Amelia has always HATED it. However, now that she can sit up in it, she seems to really like it. Here she is before our morning walk.
And after about ten minutes...sound asleep. Note the adorable sun bonnet from Gammy.


  1. The watermellon outfit is as cute as the popsicle one..She has had a busy weekend,and such a good girl for it all.
    She looked so adorable for her dedication.
    Also got to eat out,where are those pictures?? I know, can't get it all on camera !!!! Pop and Meam

  2. Cutie cutie! She looks so yummy in her little watermelon outfit. Jaimi

  3. I wish I was there. AC on the cough in the watermelon couch is so awesome. :) Have a great week.

  4. I LUV the watermelon outfit! If you guys ever make it out this way you know you have a place to stay and we'll take you to the San Fran Zoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
