Thursday, May 21, 2009

Happy Three Months

Amelia is three months old today! She is smiling and blowing spit bubbles like nobody's business. She is sitting in her Bumbo without help and holds her head up like a big girl. No rolling over yet (other than one fluke), but she can put a lot of weight on her legs when you help her stand up. When she really concentrates she has quite a bit to say. Baby babble is the best. She sleeps in the chair with mom or dad holding her, (depending on whose shift it is) or in her swing. It doesn't bother me that she doesn't sleep in her crib yet--probably because I don't know any better ha.

Amelia's Favorites
- Leap Frog caterpillar
- books
- linking rings
- her fist
- pacifier
- Frogman
- crinkly sounds
- music

Mommy's Favorites
- crooked smile
- blue eyes
- chick fuzz hair
- our "conversations"
- baby feet
- slobber kisses

Pictures to come.

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