Thursday, April 9, 2009

stormy stomach

man my stomach hurts. all the storms have moved out, but i can't calm down. big surprise huh?

out-of-control. simply put-- when a tornado is heading my way, i feel out-of-control. having amelia here made it worse. this was my first storm with her. i wanted her to be safe. wanted to find a basement. wanted to stop watching the radar when the storm was still fifty miles away. wanted. wanted. wanted.

i know God is in control. i get it. what i don't get is that in spite of this knowledge the fear is gripping. draining. suffocating.

amelia slept through the whole ordeal. (woke up to one thunder boom) what a trooper. calm and inspiring at a mere six weeks and five days old.

Amelia with her new Easter book from her Gammy and Gampy. Thanks!Yes..I'm holding up my head again Mom. It's not a big deal.

Hmm...should I wake up? I will just stretch and think about it.

The stomach seas are settling. The heart isn't racing. The Lord is ever reigning.


  1. love the new pics.
    sorry about the storms.
    spring is not your friend.
    i will see you very soon.

  2. The storms were particularly terrifying in the Sheridan. There was one in Malvern that made its way to Prattsville so my mother and I were regretting our decision to flee to Sheridan. But, it dispersed thank God!

    And you need some pepto!

    nausea, heartburn, indigestion....upset stomach, diarrea!
    Yay, pepto bismol!!!!!

    Thats a tune to live by!

    Amelia is absolutely adorable and the stretch picture (with your caption) is my favorite!

  3. motgol11 = Logan.. I feel it necessary to say that in case you think some weirdo is talking to you or worse.... Cody Stothers... *shudders*

  4. I love that little stretch!! She's saying, "Chill mommy!! I got this storm stuff under control!!"

    Love to my Baby Girl and my best friend!! Ross just left a few minutes ago. . . my pictures are awesome!!!
