Monday, April 20, 2009

Last Free Monday

I go back to work next Monday. And yes, I still have the whole week at home and should just enjoy my time, but that isn't really how I work. I tend to dramatize every moment and say to myself, "This is my last Monday to change her morning diaper." "This is my last Monday to put her down for her morning nap." Knowing me, I will continue this ridiculous pattern for the rest of the week.

The catch is that it isn't ridiculous to me. I just love her so much. It is the most consuming love that I have ever felt, and even though other moms tried to explain it to me, they didn't even come close to articulating it. She has the most innocent and precious face, and those deep blue eyes are addicting. Just look.
The great news is that I don't have to take her to daycare yet because her Gammy, Aunt Steph, Bran Bran, and her G are all taking days off to fill the five week span of me finishing up the school year. How amazing is that? Honestly, we are so lucky that they are willing to do that. Whew. Feeling better already.


  1. Gosh she is cute!
    New template..alright!

  2. Love the new background!! That pic makes her look like she's grown a lot in the past 5 days!!!

    good job.
    this picture is precious.
    miss her so much.
    all day today I was thinking of you.
    i thought "heather is going to spend this last week with Amelia worrying about not having next week with her"
    then i come to your blog--and lo and behold! i was right.
    :) loveyou
