Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and More

What a great weekend at home. Actually, I am still home, but that is another story. We had supper with Ross's family on Friday night and visited with them. Jessalyn was home from Memphis and Amelia was great during the whole visit. Saturday was Mom's birthday celebration and I realized I don't have the energy at 27 that she has at 51. She is one-of-a-kind. Birthday cake, egg dying, pictures, holding Amelia, presents (birthday and Easter), eating--it was a lot of fun all being together.
Mom and I
Amelia in the cutest bunny shirt ever...

Sunday was Amelia's first 'public' outing. She went to church in the monsoon. I almost chickened out on taking her, but off we went. Freezing cold, cloudy, and pouring. She didn't make a peep throughout the whole service. I welled up with pride at this feat. Speaking of pride, it was simply ridiculous the amount of it I felt when members of the congregation came up to gaze their eyes upon her cuteness. Then that pride was overtaken by feelings of protectiveness. A bridezilla I was not, but a Momzilla I might be. Here were my thoughts, "Please don't breathe on her," "Why are you touching her arm?" and "Get out of her face." Hmmm. Am I that mom?
Our family :)
Her two month shots are coming up and I feel like I will fall apart. Four shots at once. Yikes.

With all the cute bows and dresses, it is easy to forgot that Easter is a miracle. They showed a video clip at church that really got to me. The tomb was rolled away. He was gone! Oh what a redeeming moment for those that truly believed in their hearts that he was the Messiah. And oh what a moment for those who doubted. I am so thankful for his sacrifice.

But...I am also thankful for this precious child. And...this bow.
So, Ross went home for rotations on Monday and I stayed a few days here. Mom and Dad are taking me back to Little Rock on Wednesday afternoon. Yes, I am a spoiled brat.

Later gators.


  1. Heather Cates!!! I can't believe you found my blog. What a small world. It's so good to hear how you are doing. You have such a sweet little girl. What a cutie!

  2. She's so precious!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE BOW!!Can't wait to see you guys in a few days!!
