Monday, January 2, 2012

To Mammaw's House We Go

Ross worked Christmas night and was on call, but drove back to Harrison the next morning so we could go visit Mammaw. That was ALL she wanted for Christmas was for us to come to her house. Elise is a screamer from the minute she gets into her carseat and we try to avoid driving over an hour. Mammaw usually comes to our house, but off we went with hopes for the best. Elise SLEPT THE WHOLE WAY THERE. Christmas miracle for sure. We had a yummy french toast lunch while we were there and the girls had a great time. I'm so glad that it went well :) Elise was crazy about her cell phone.

Amelia was having so much fun playing with Mammaw that she was clearly NOT happy when we asked her to take a four generation picture.
Elise was more than happy to pose. And yes, she has on bright pink socks with her red outfit. We were in a hurry to head to the mountain and those were the only socks available. Did I realize how they would shine in the picture? Nope.
Petting Mammaw's kitty.

And this has nothing to do with Christmas, but the last few days when we are playing Amelia is the mom and I am the daughter. I will ask to do something and she will make comments like, "Of course you can do that daughter," and "I always let you do just anything you want to do." Then she will give me this sideways glance. Um, I know what you are doing Amelia and I will not be duped by a two year old. Heeheee.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful Mammaw pictures-love them!The kitty picture is sweet.You will be duped-she is you and I was many times-LOL! Wonderful memories!
