Thursday, January 12, 2012


So,we went from frolicking without a coat last weekend...

To a fun park day WITH coats yesterday... (and Elise had her first sand experience; she was kind of obsessed)

And rounded out the downward spiral to cold with a snow day today! It was SO cold. As in 2o degrees. I did not want to go out, but Amelia did. With every fiber of her being. And eighty layers and one sweating momma later, off we went. And it was instantly worth it.

It cracked me up that Elise just wanted to swing. I was thinking, we didn't come out in the freezing cold to swing. Yet, she ended up swinging anyway, ha. Fun memories no matter the weather!

With the exception of storms, of course. They will always be my exception.


  1. Great pics! So glad Amelia got to wear her new snow suit. Love the snow angel pic and the one of Elise in the glasses licking her lips! Precious.

    1. Thanks sissy. Elise had just had a big ole bite of snow, haha. And how sweet is that bright green? LOVE.

  2. Sand picture is hilarious with her feeling that on her hands,she will be ready for bucket and all this spring.Love the bright colors in the snow and the happy faces!Great snow suit Meme!
