Monday, January 9, 2012

Change Part One

A lot of people (I might have even been one of them) in the past years have made goals, or lists, at the start of the new year and declared that they are NOT making resolutions. The new thing is to do a new thing. So, make your resolutions or lists or goals or addendums, but however you slice it or whatever you call it, they are all in the same family. The family of change.

Everyone needs to change. Few want to. Last year I was in the hospital with my newborn to ring in 2011 and this year I was with my cozy family-- an almost three year old and a barely one year old. Change. I've decided to look at where I need to change and more importantly, why I haven't. This might bore you, which is fine. But, I need to do a few posts about me. Change.
1. Spend more time with Him. -- Whether devotion or Bible reading or podcast or prayer. Last year I just coasted. I said, "Lord, I am a tired Mom of two little ones." Church had to feed me for most of the week. I listened to praise music in the car and prayed (mostly to get through the day those first months), but I didn't dig much deeper.

What keeps me from doing just that?-- A. Facebook B. television C. iphone/Internet
It's simple, true, and ridiculous. I don't think there is a thing wrong with A, B, and C unless they interfere with what is the most important. So, I simply spend time with Him first. Sounds so easy; yet, why aren't I?

How will I do this?-- I bought a study guide at an adorable used book store that guides me with commentary through the book of Proverbs. I will read a book of Proverbs each day while the girls nap and study the commentary.

That is the only thing I am holding myself to for now. I will continue prayer through the day and hopefully find some time to pray, read, and discuss with Ross. If we can't find time consistently due to his schedule, I will not become upset or discouraged with him or the situation itself.

One last thing while I am admitting and discussing--it occurred to me during quiet time that I don't always like to go on and on about my blessings and how thankful I am during prayer. As I searched for the reason why, I was shocked and embarrassed at the reason. I have TOO MANY BLESSINGS. I could go on for years at all I have. As I am listing them, my mind wanders to those who don't have half of what I do. It just pains me to go on. I'm afraid the Lord will realize his mistake at pouring out these beautiful gifts and all this love and friendship on me and take some of them away. There, I said it. Working on this thought pattern and researching. I even thought about deleting this whole paragraph...

I know we are fresh in the year, but I have already been blessed by doing the book on Proverbs. I'm constantly trying to think of how to be a better mom or how to handle situations better. I am a yeller by nature and while that is never a thing I am proud to bring up when I meet new people, I am even less pleased with the number of times I raise my voice at Amelia to get a point across to her.

Proverbs 1:8-19 is the first in a series of lessons where a father is teaching his son about wisdom. The verses are meaningful, but the commentary pointed out something new to me. Throughout Proverbs there is a three part recurrence used in teaching: appeal, guide, motivate.

I tried to put this in practice immediately. If I will try parenting strategies from some random site online, the Bible can't be bad, eh?

Appeal: Mommy really wants you to listen to this, ok Amelia? It is an important thing that I am telling you. (calm and even voice)

Advice: I want you to be nice and polite at Elise's party. It is her special day and she will need help from you with her presents. Please don't play with any toys she is playing with and I will have her do the same thing on your special day.

Motivate: Amelia, I know you will act so wonderful and be a good example. I am really excited to see your actions!!

Not that this will always work (although, she was WONDERFUL and kind and joyous at Elise's party), but I like the pattern and will keep trying it.



  1. Wow, very inspiring post. I need to do some changing to. Thanks for the motivation, I need a copy of the proverbs commentary. Sounds really good. Love you!

  2. Thanks for this post. That was something I needed right now. We are going through some changes ourselves & waiting to see what God has in store for us.
    Don't ever think you don't inspire someone somewhere....
