Friday, January 27, 2012

Make My Day

My sister and her husband are that couple that MIIIGHT make you puke. Insanely gorgeous. Both of them.

I love their smiles in this one, despite the scary eyes :)

Insanely intelligent. Both of them. Insanely sweet. One of them. (heheheheehe)

But, honestly they are insanely creative. From their home to Derek's art and music to Stephanie's sewing to their fashion. This is an inspirational couple. Here are a few of my favorite things they have made for our family.

Effalie and Brighty--Steph made these elephants for the girls for Christmas and Amelia takes hers everywhere. She sleeps with her and named her such a precious name- Effalie. I'm not sure when my sister learned how to sew an elephant, but she did and they are adorable.
Steph made me an iPad cover for Christmas and I love it so much. It keeps the dust off of it and keeps it protected and the color is gorgeous. My favorite touch is the button.

I don't know what category this falls under really. Is this embroidery? I don't even know the term, but I do know that I love it. This looks so vintage and simple and sweet. Seriously a favorite and will be great in her new (in progress, not even really started) sunshine room.

Painting-- I wish Derek would paint me a bazillion paintings, but I have had to be satisfied with The Wheatfield for several years. It still remains faithfully over my couch and I love it. Please excuse a very blurry Buzz jumping off her chair.

He recently painted this for Elise and it is so cute! We used it for her Sunshine Party and I'm so excited to use it in her room too. This isn't the best picture, but the painting says You Are My Sunshine in cutout letters.
Chalkboard A- Derek made this for Amelia and she has had such a great time drawing on it and the fact that it is her first initial somehow makes it that much more cool to draw on.

Thanks Steph and Derek we love all the things that you make for our family!! Very special to have hand made things to cherish. Hugs.


  1. Tears!!!!! Thanks for the special post!!! I loved it so much. And I absolutely adore making things for you and the girls. It's my favorite thing of all time.

  2. What a neat couple they are-so generous with their creativity. :) You're a great sister for recognizing and appreciating that!

  3. Wooo Hooo for hand made and home made!Got none of it from me.LOL Mamaw,yes, me no! So proud of her and him for all their creative juices!
