Friday, January 20, 2012

Before I Was a Mom...

I never realized that the children eating crackers out of a not yet paid for box was sometimes an absolute necessity. I might have even looked at those mothers with a bit of disdain. Now, I will gladly rip open some Teddy Grahams if we run out of snacks and not think twice when I put the open box on the counter to pay.

I never realized how important it was when your child made you something. It seemed that macaroni art and finger paintings were displayed merely to appease the child. I had no idea that Amelia bringing home a bouquet of flowers she made me in Sunday School would bring me to tears. They are displayed on our dining room table because I LOVE them :).
I never realized that parents really and truly believe they have the cutest and smartest child alive. There were kids that I thought, "Now, they know that child isn't cute.." Horrible, yes, but I am just being honest. But what a lovely thing it is- and it really is TRUE- to feel that your child is the most adorable and the smartest and the funniest. It is good for the soul to really believe that. I think what it boils down to is that I have the two loveliest daughters in the world. Look at these faces!
I never realized how early on my daughters would want to feel beautiful. Amelia is constantly asking if she looks pretty and Elise is already wanting to strut around in Amelia's princess outfits. It is something intrinsic and I didn't realize that. They are one and two and already seeking approval to feel beautiful. I hope that Ross and I are able to make them feel gorgeous inside and out, and express to them how perfectly and carefully they were created in God's image. I never realized the intense pressure I would feel with them at such a young age to make sure they value themselves and their bodies. When I feel burdened with such a responsibility, I just take a deep breath and play princess, praying all the while that I will do the job well that God has entrusted me with. (please note all the little "friends" that came to Amelia's dancing show)

I never realized how full of surprises parenting would be. I can experience a full gamete of emotions in about a fifteen minute span when dealing with disciplining Amelia. Insanity. I mean, I have been parented. I have watched other people parent. I read a ton of articles about parenting. Somehow, I am still surprised and constantly on my toes. I love that about being a mom. It also exhausts me. I think that is the beauty of it all. I pour so much into this job that I am often overwhelmed, overworked, overemotional, and then in the blink of an eye I am over it. Something hilarious happens and the laughter floating through my home makes me forget the laundry and dirty floor and three hours of sleep. Surprise! Life is good. Get over it. The cycle will repeat and I will be feeling overdue for a break and another surprise will fling me into the moment. And then, I am overjoyed and remember how to be present and in the moment. Oh, surprises.


  1. I loved this post. You write with such truth, humor, and perspective! I think parenting is just one surprise after another. I think your girls are beautiful and have such a beautiful mom to show them so. :) Inside and out!

  2. What a writer you are my dear child!When a mom is beautiful inside and out they can teach it all just fine with God's help,and you my dear Heather are beautiful inside and out!I love the show with friends watching!

  3. Bawling now. I'm do happy we get to go through parenting together, you always say the things I wish I kne how to say! I also love the friends lined up to watch Amelia!
