Monday, July 18, 2011

Party Pool

When Ross and I shelled out 30 bucks for this pool, we thought, eh, hope it's worth it. Let me tell you, totally worth it. Amelia has so much fun in this thing. The name on the box says "The Party Pool," and while completely hilarious, it is quite true. Sunday afternoon here was our party...

Amelia made soup for us all. Not sure what made her think of soup in the thousand degree temperature, but thankfully it had ice cream and yogurt in it. She was quite diligent with her pouring.She gave Elise some "soup" right over the head, but it didn't seem to bother our little water bug.

Amelia then proceeded to chase us all around the pool being a huge monster.
We also got out the sprinkle mat to see how Elise would like it and she had a blast. G got us this sprinkle mat last year and we have gotten so much use out of it.

Ross is FINALLY off his two weeks of nights. I was determined not to complain about it on here, but now that it is over let me say that I still greatly despise it. Whew. Tough to not have him here to help in the evenings and then try to explain to Amelia that he has to sleep during the day. We had such a fun weekend together as a family :)


  1. These pictures are totally cracking me up. That close up of the monster?? I'm dying to the ground. So glad the party pool is a big hit. I love Amelia's imagination and Elise's go with the flow attitude. My nieces WIN.

  2. Ah the memories,our pools were never quite that big,but boy did you two make a million things and play beauty shop forever in them.Yeah for water bugs and sprinkle mat.Love the cute suits and cute faces!

  3. Have not seen this pool,love it...30 bucks well spent Missy.
    So cute, water dogs..
    Sprinkle mat always been big hit.

  4. I love your blog Heather. It makes me so happy. I am getting caught up now. But I just love it. Its a great way to stay caught up with you and your sweet family.
