Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chin Up

I was so happy to head to Elise's checkup (minus the shots of course) to report to our doctor what the MRI and CT had shown. She hadn't gotten the report and was waiting on our update. However, the mood took a turn when she picked up on a heart murmur that seemed pretty strong to her and said we were going to need to get an ECHO done at the cardiologist. Another test. Sigh. Even though the rest of the appointment went well and Elise was weighing in at a healthy 16 pounds, I just was so upset. Her shots went fine (even though she cried the hardest this time) and she doesn't get any more until she is a year old. But, I couldn't shake the test. A test on my baby's heart? After one on her brain? TOO MUCH for this mom.

The test came and went. I didn't even blog about it or talk about it. Just wanted to pretend it didn't exist. She did wonderfully during the test and it was quick and painless. The results have me a bit puzzled. "Patient could have bicuspid aortic valve with increased velocity. Follow up in two years." So, does she or doesn't she? That is the question. We are kind of getting the runaround, but Ross is making some calls Monday and I will update you.

On top of that, the neurosurgeon called yesterday and recommended an eye exam be set up for August. I began to lose it. My attitude hasn't been the greatest and I vowed today to turn it around. These are just trials we are going through and I know what the word says. Give the glory to God. I need to give thanks for all the blessings we have amidst the rough patches of countless tests and questions and doctor bills. Because we are called to.

And because I have much to be thankful for. A big rain shower came up right after naptime and Amelia said, "Oh my word, I have to get my umbrella." I thought it was hysterical, so I let her get out there in the rain. The sun came out and there was just a sprinkle or two left coming down, but she had the most wonderful time. Blessing.

Thankfully, my friends came up for a fun birthday dinner and night out. I had planned on pouting through some of it (told you my attitude stunk) but I just couldn't. We had so much fun and tons of laughing-- as usual. We ate at Hu Hot, went to TJ Max, and to Cheddars for dessert. A wonderful evening that came at the perfect time. Blessing.

So, anxiety, please get the heck out of my way. I have really been struggling with some fear and anxiety lately. It stinks and even though I have dealt with this all my life, it comes in waves and I'm in the middle of one. Praying it moves on because I've got some blessings to count.


  1. Blessings you have in a abundance. Does not mean that it has not been some anxious times for you and Ross. Having Elise go through so many tests has not been easy. Giving thanks to the Lord for no surgeries needed, double thanks to Him for that smiling little one. You have handled it all with a strong faith and the help of friends,family and your babies.

  2. This has definitely not been the easiest of times for you as a mom. Not easy to have anyone tell you your daughter needs tests because something could potentially be wrong. And you've had them around every corner. But this has also allowed many blessings to come our way because elise has continued to prove she is fine and dandy. I think you've handled everything remarkably well and I'm very proud if you. I expected at least a hint of downer debbie on our girls night but none could be detected at all! We had the best night. I love you so much!

  3. Love love Elise crawling over to get her favorite-flip flops-LOL Wonderful smiling faces of supportive Christian friends always make me smile!The umbrella pics are so cute.You have turned to the Lord to help you through every corner of this and even the the non anxiety mom would have had their moments in all this, so you have done great sweetie. Thanks to the the prayers of friends and family you have made it to the other side with one more test to go and then none for a while.We love you!

  4. Just want you to know that our little country church has you & your sweet daughter on the prayer list :)
    Keep up the good & faithful work! I love hearing about all your BLESSINGS :)

  5. Thinking and praying for you Heather. You are such a strong mom and can overcome anything! It has just been a difficult month for you. You are all in my prayers. Have a good birthday this week! Love ya friend!

  6. I am praying continually for strength for you as a mom (I admire the mom you are) and praying for sweet Elise as well. Love you.
