Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ingy Bingy is ONE

Seems just yesterday I was pacing the halls of the hospital waiting for tiny and precious Ingrid. I will NEVER forget the moment I stepped in to the hospital room and she was there with her perfectly round face and tiny little lips and bright eyes staring up at me.

Her birthday party was so much fun. Steph, of course, is awesome. She made everything from food to crafts to hats to wreaths and did more than I could have if I had planned for years. Check out her blog for perfect pictures of all the handmade preciousness. Here are some of my favorites.
The evening was perfect and breezy and the food was delish. Best party of the summer for sure. Happy First Birthday Ingrid Cate Henderson!


  1. Yahoo! Thanks for the nice compliments. You are being a smidge too kind. But it was a fun party and my girl had a blast. That's the main thing! Love your pics.

  2. Elise's dress is sooooo PRECIOUS!! Oh my goodness!


  3. Great photos and great party!
