Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Goodness

Ross got up with Amelia and let me sleep another hour. WAHOO. Then, the two of them decided to make strawberry muffins for me. Amelia is very into helping these days.
And by very, I mean has a major tantrum if she isn't rightinthemiddle of everything. Hmmm. DNA isn't her fault though. You know Ross, ALWAYS in the middle of everything. Ha.

After some playtime, we got ready for church, pigtails and all.

I was beyond nervous that this Sunday at our new church would be another 'I will scream bloody murder and not go in the nursery' disaster. However, Ross and I vowed to remain calm and patient and not force her to be in there or to be in any distress. Because, look at this face.

I am happy to report that today, for the first time, Amelia went in the nursery, played with the kids, and did not want to go home when church was over. I cried and Ross teared up. Big day for us. Answered prayer.

Now, who knows about next week? And, who cares? All I can say is that today was full of goodness. Amen.


  1. Dad and I prayed also for a good Sunday and are so happy for answered prayers.I am glad Amelia loved it and loved helping her dad with his nice surprise for you!You look very pretty and the picture of Amelia and Ross is sweet as can be!


    What is not to love about Rossman !!!!!!!!!!

  3. I love how Amelia has a very sweet smile in the picture with you and then a very mischievous smile in the picture with Ross. So funny! Yea for sleeping in, bonus points for Ross

  4. even better goodness is that you somehow keep finding time to blog and keep up on all these little things. she is SERIOUSLY the cutest little girl ever. :)

  5. Go Amelia! I love the picture of you and A. Ya'll are soooo pretty! Love your hair. Maybe I should try the non force method for nursery drop off....Jordan screams every time we drop her off and cries as soon as she sees other children being picked up. So sad.


  6. LOVE LOVE the photo of you and amelia. and i can't wait to see your new haircut in person (if i ever get done traveling). hallelujah for answered prayers and amazing husbands. have any names picked out yet??

    miss you.
