Monday, August 30, 2010

Baby Donkey

Have you ever tried to rock a donkey to sleep? It is quite the challenge. Amelia said "hee haw" for about twenty straight minutes tonight and was laughing and kicking. I kept a straight face through it all, but it is much easier to rock a tiny girl. Then, I was worn out and fell asleep rocking her. I haven't done this in a while, but I woke up all confused, ha. Why are my arms so heavy and my back aching? OH, I am holding a baby donkey.

This weekend was blissful. We just enjoyed family and friends. Nothing better. We drove home for church on Sunday morning and Amelia loved the nursery! She had to be picked up and carried to me to go home. I was so proud of her. Elated really. is starting to feel like "our" church. Of course, it is God's and I feel his work being done, but he knows what I mean. To drive an hour home for church (with my not really loving the car child) and then have such a great service was a nice feeling. I will give Amelia credit--she made it all but ten minutes being quite a peach.

That night we made masks, as Amelia had been asking to do since we checked out the mask book at the library. Excuse me, the "maks book." I was an Indian, Ross was a cat, and Amelia was a bird. Fun times.

Oh, and just because I haven't in a while... a Ross story.

Ross: I am going to run to the store now to pick up some milk.
Me: Ok, hurry back.
Ross: Why don't you just come with me?
Me: (dumbfounded) Um...because our child is asleep. And would be left alone...
Ross: (laughing) Oh...yeah.

The most intelligent clueless guy I know :)


  1. What's the big deal? She was sleeping right. I am sure she would have been fine :) I am so glad you are happy with your church.

  2. cute masks,great fun here,love donkeys(LOL,)love my sweet girl

  3. Rock a donkey...That is hilarious!


  4. i love her donkey impersonation. it's so cute! i don't know how you kept a straight face. i had a wonderful weekend with you too. and a surprise lunch today! the masks are awesome. you little crafter you. don't try to deny it.


  5. So love the masks...great !!

    Well, bless his heart !!


    I was very pleased to know you were headed to Ozark Sunday am. So happy you feel comfortable and happy with the church you have found there.
