Sunday, December 18, 2011

This and That

When you have strep throat, you just need some bubble gum medicine, a gingerbread house, hot chocolate, and some momma snuggles.

Amelia is much better and had a fun weekend with her cousins! And in other news..

Guess who is finally showing some interest in reading????

She has been wanting to read books more and more and even grunting and growling to get us to read them multiple times. Makes me happy. What does not make me happy is that Elise now has a drippy, wippy nose. Tis the season, eh?


  1. We had so much fun this weekend. Thanks for coming to our house Friday! I'm so glad amelia is feeling better. Elise is definitely liking books more. Love that ball of fire!

  2. Love her pic in the chair,she may need hers for Christmas instead of birthday-it is here and ready!Great ginger bread house!
