Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Family Reunion Take Two

The guys took off to golf for the day and we hung out at the cabins. Mom braved the water and swam with Amelia. I feel like I need to say the following, "Amelia, Mommy would have swam with you IF and only IF no one else would have gotten in the freezing cold water. I don't advise swimming in May. However, you have the Gammy of the century and she got in with you. BUT, I was right there clapping and hollering like a crazy person."

Okay, I feel better. Except that I have no pics of Gammy and Amelia in the water... In fact, I have no pictures of most of the day because we were eating yummy treats, playing on the swingset, throwing rocks in the lake, looking at the boats, and of course, swimming.

And, when the boys got back there was more swimming. It was Ingrid's first time in the water and she did great. Amelia loved it even more than she had earlier in the afternoon.

Elise started crying the minute I put her toe in and decided to just chill with Popper.

These two are the foundation of our family and were still up at almost midnight watching the Name Game :)
That evening we hung out until way past bedtime with the Statler bunch and told stories and laughed a lot. Mom sat in the cabin while the three girls slept and of course deserves another medal :)

It was a wonderful weekend.


  1. Darling of mom and dad! BRRRRRRRRR cold water for sure! The kids loved it anyway.Sounds like a shopping trip with Statler ladies is in our near future woohoo!

  2. Nice picture of the old couple,cute!!! LOL
    Renee is the only Grammy that would get into that ice water, and I know she hated it..
    Now on the other hand the two babies LOVED IT!!

  3. Mom always deserves medals. Every day of her life. Loved all the pics. I need to steal some, by the way.
