Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Letter of the Week- P

Amelia and I started a letter of the week and this week the letter is P. So, I figured I would play along.

Picturesque- The Mother's Day weekend couldn't have been more beautiful. In every way. The weather was fabulous. Clear, blue skies, slight breeze, sun that went on for days--it was perfect. We celebrated my Daddy's birthday with delicious cupcakes and a yummy meal. I have said it before but I always knew I wanted to find a man like my dad, but the problem was I couldn't! It seemed that I couldn't come close to finding a man that was powerful in a quiet way and encouraging and intelligent and loving and not afraid to show affection and not afraid of a woman who was strong. Thankfully I kept looking and found Ross, but my father will forever be the first man that held my heart and has kept it safe all these years. I forgot my camera, but stole a few from mom and snapped some phone shots.

Perfect- I have two daughters that I pray will love the Lord fiercely and know that they can dream big dreams. It is the most insanely fun and challenging thing that I could have ever dreamed up. It still is flabbergasting for me to look at this picture and comprehend that these are my children. What a big deal :)

Playful- Amelia got to play and play. She helped Pop in the garden, worked on Meme's computer, swang with Gammy, smothered Ingrid, played downstairs with Gampy, and so much more. Uncle D got Amelia her very first chocolate ice cream cone and Aunt Steph let her play in the pantry. At G and Pa's she planted tomatoes, fed cows, walked to the creek, gathered rocks, got muddy, chased Frank, and smelled flowers. Deeeelightful I tell you.

Positive-Yahoozle de doozle Steph peed on the stick again and we have a winner. Do we love babies in our family or what? Amelia says, "It will be a girl and we will name her Ingrid, just like Ingrid." Duh. Read this.

Pampered- Barb gave me a sweet Mother's Day card and a crisp 100 dollar bill! Mom, Steph, and I are going on a shopping trip JUST us courtesy of our sweet husbands. Ross got me a card from him and one from each girl, plus a cute summer watch.

Pig- Our pig from today's craft. Amelia told me that pink and purple both start with p and I was so impressed. After I cheered and screamed she said, "Well, pizza does too. Right? P- P- Pizza." I lost it.

Precious- Seriously, she is. First time in highchair. Amelia has declared she is getting a booster seat.

Pigtails- Ingrid just became even cuter. And her dedication was so special--I was so delighted to be a part. (You are looking pretty cute too Memer).

Print- I printed a 317 page book of all my blog posts from 2010. I like it so much that I think I will go back and print 2009 also. It is fun to go back and read old posts and I hope the girls will appreciate and enjoy these when they are older.
Pathetic- Ross is on call again this coming weekend (three weekends in a row) and it will end up totaling 28 straight days. He's been worthless around the house. Can't really blame him, but it stinks to have him miss everything and then when he is around be sleepy. Come on Florida!! Hang in there babe and chug the coffee.

This was a bad idea, really. I can think of a million more P words and so I'm not sure how or where to end.


  1. Happy Birthday Steve!
    Love the letter of the week :) Just PRECIOUS!
    2 Ingrids...well at least you would always get her name right.
    Cates must be translated to rabbits in some other language!! So Happy for All of You!! Lots of Love for Everyone :)

  2. Yeah Amelia for knowing all those P words!Love the pig so much.I mean that picture of mom is wonderful,so sweet with little Ingrid.Can't believe Elise can sit in that high chair already.Stacey-you may be right.LOL It was a wonderful week end.

  3. I love this post! Always enjoy reading what you write, but I really liked this one.

  4. Love picture of Steve and the little girls,hope to see a little boy in our Christmas pics...That was shake it up !!!!

  5. And I think you can sell that book! You are quite the author:)
    I can just hear your voice as I read your posts! We Love It!
    Keep 'em coming!!

  6. Amelia,
    Props for helping Ing with her performance of patty cake...for the practice of writing P..eating peanut butter sandwiches,feeding the pony at Gammy's. Also, loving your Poppy with all your heart,and helping with your little petite sister.
