Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Discovery Center

Ross is on vacation this week and we couldn't wait to go to the Discovery Center on Monday to kick off our fun week adventures.  (actually it was kicked off on Saturday with game night and Sunday with Jared's party, but I haven't uploaded those pictures).  Elise didn't remember the last time we went and I was really excited to see her reaction; she LOVED it.  Both of my girls have such a great time there (and my husband lives for science) that it is worth the hefty price tag every once in a while.

Figuring out the pulley

Elise would have spent FOREVER digging in these old tire pieces

The wind xylophone

One of our favorites

They have a dinosaur dig, a grocery store, a health section, magnet tables, gravity spins, funny mirrors, and so much more.  It was a wonderful morning.  Ross was obsessed with these Kapla blocks.  I made a railroad, Amelia made a teepee, Elise threw her blocks on the floor, and Ross made this...

Genius/show off
Then, after naps, G and Pa surprised the girls and they were so excited and WILD.  They had a ton of fun playing and we had a lovely supper at The Village Inn.  I had strawberry crepes with whipped creme that were simply AMAZING.  And, I had a cheese omelet that was so fluffy and delish.  Perfect night.
G brought new sticker books


  1. What a fun vacation day! Fun from beginning to end on this fun day full of smiles!

  2. Hard to tell who is happier, G and Pa or the girls !!! Vacation time for Ross,yipeeee !!
