Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas Morning

 After quite a bit of coaching to ask for a train table, Amelia completely threw me under the bus when we went to see Santa and sweetly asked for "two pink scooters."  WHAAATT? She said her sister wanted one too.  And deliver he did.  Two hot pink scooters and lo and behold they could BOTH ride them.  Neither girl has ever tried a scooter, but they zoomed all over the house.  Amelia learned the leaning turn pretty quickly and we couldn't believe Elise could even make it go.  Santa success!!

 We then headed to G and Pa's---a little late-- because my angels slept until 8.  This is insane and the best and most special gift ever.  They never sleep in.  EVER.  No one could believe it.  Barb had the MOST beautiful black and white table set up for our Christmas breakfast.

This is Amelia in a little crochet shirt that Mammaw made for Jessalyn when she was little.  Precious!

Amelia's favorite gift was this Angry Bird blanket.  LOL.  You just never know...

Hungry Hippos!

New hunting vest.  Pa thought it was a little bright...
Go G, go
New boots and bandana from G and Pa
Heading out for a freeeezing walk around the farm.

 After a fun morning and delicious breakfast (think POUNDS of chocolate gravy and warm, homemade biscuits) we headed to Mammaws.  It was perfectly normal weather on the way and as we pulled into Tilley, it started snowing like crazy!  And never stopped the whole time we were there.  A perfectly lovely White Christmas.

New double strollers from Mammaw

New babies

The trip down the mountain was loooooong.  We had taken the truck in case it snowed (Ross's foresight) and thankfully it wasn't particularly scary, it just took us forever to crawl down.  The girls were so good.  Momma struggled. Finally we were welcomed back to my parents' cozy home for the remainder of Christmas Day.  PERFECTION.

*somehow Mammaw avoided my camera again!  She is a pro.


  1. I want to go back and be a little girl again so I can have one of those double strollers! The girls on the scooters are too cute.

  2. Lots of fun with family at Christmas-so fun! I loved how much they loved those scooters and had so fun with them inside. Double strollers were a big hit too!Cute pics
