Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Veggie Tales LIVE!

 Before I get to Veggie Tales, here are a few cute pictures that I couldn't resist posting.
Amelia and Elise walking into the library.  They look so big!

Elise in my lap at story time.  Ahh, those pigtails!
LOL.  Amelia waiting patiently while Elise messes around.  I always try to get a picture of them on this bench before church and Elise is simply a messsss.
Me and my sweet girls.  LOVE THEM.
 Okay, on to Veggie Tales.  First off, the Veggie movies are heavy in plot and were over Amelia's head when we tried them a while back and I had forgotten to try again.  Mom saw where they were coming to Branson (because she always seems to be in the know) and thought the girls might like the show.  I read up on it and saw it was just great songs and a positive message and knew Amelia would love it. Ingrid and Steph came with Dad and all the girls were just giddy.  Dad was going to take Elise back to hang out in Harrison with Liv, but at the last minute I was feeling really sad and had Elise come in until intermission.  My sweet Dad agreed to just hang out and be on hand if she wasn't doing well.  She was free and didn't need a ticket, so that worked out great.

*Before the show Amelia decided she was terrified and that a scary part was going to occur.  She sat in her chair frozen.  Thankfully, she shook it off and I convinced her it was all FUN.  She had a blast and so did Elise.  Actually, Elise probably could have done the whole show, but it was safer to send her on at intermission.  I was so proud of her!


The theme of their show was "God Made You Special."  How I hope the girls always remember that and that the things we do and say and show them now in these young and impressionable years will carry them through the years where it is tougher to stay true to who you are.  I loved this sweet time with my sister and Ing and my babies. 
We went back to Harrison for a fun Fourth of July cookout at Mom and Dad's.  They went all out as usual and had enough food to feed all of Bergman.  It was so delicious and I actually had my first grilled hotdog (or three) of the summer.

We had a full house and I didn't get many pictures because we needed all manpower for the kids.  Hopefully Steph got some more pictures of everyone.  It was a blast and I am so thankful for Mom and Dad putting it together. 



  1. Broccoli,celery,wanna be -veggie tales-so glad it went well and they loved it! Forth was very fun and the girls looked adorable of course.The picture of Amelia waiting patiently WINS! LOL Of course all great,but somehow that cracks me up!

  2. Picture of the two walking into library is my favorite. All good pics of the big shots!
