Thursday, July 12, 2012

Castle Rock

Amelia Claire got to go to Castle Rock in Branson to spend the night for her end of school treat from my Mom and Dad.  She had been anxiously waiting since May and the time finally came.  Here she is all ready for the day to do tons of fun things with her Gam and Gamp.

That next morning, Elise, Steph, Liv, Ing, and I got to join them because Mom thought ahead to get the room for two nights.  Another example of her thoughtfulness creating fabulous memories for us.  We had such a great time.  I just can't say enough about this little resort.  It is hard to get any pictures since water is splashing everywhere, but I tried to snap a few.


  1. It was a great time with our oldest girl!She just soaked it all in.Glad it went so well with all the girls the next morning as well! Amelia couldn't believe she got to swim both days.Umm too many swim suit shots of someone.Love the huggy wuggy pic!Dad had a great job for him-hahhhahaha

  2. I'd plaster swimsuit picture of myself everywhere if I looked like that ... Em
